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Aquarelle Lip Blush Tattoo

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Lip Blush is a new semi-permanent tattoo technique originally created in Europe. It was designed to give your lips a fresh, healthier appearance

that's sheer and natural.  Lips become more expressive, as we enhance the shape and symmetry with a soft blush color. This technique will appear as a youthful tint rather than a saturated lipstick look.




What do I expect the first day of the procedure?

When you come in we will go through your consultation form together. I will pre draw your lips and be sure we are both happy with your shape. We will apply numbing on your lip area for the first 20-30 minutes of your appointment to ensure the procedure is asccomfortable as possible. After the tattoo your lips will look darker and more like lipstick on the first day. They will soften as they heal to become a subtle, natural looking lip tint. There will be moderate swelling, redness and bruising for the first 5 days. â€‹

How long will the procedure take?

​The procedure can take up to 4 hours. The consultation, numbing and preparation will take a good portion of that time. I want to be sure we go through any questions you may have and thoroughly go through aftercare so you know how to care for your beautiful new tattoo. 

What is the cost?

The cost of our Aquarelle Lip Blush procedure is $400.00 and your touch up 8 weeks later is $175.00.

What is the pain level of a Lip Tattoo Procedure?

Surely this depends on each individuals pain tolerance but on average most people say it hurts less than a traditional tattoo. We do numb your lips with a strong medical grade anesthetic, but be prepared for some discomfort. The most sensitive spot on the lips are the outer corners and centre of the lip. You can bring ear phones and music if you want your own distraction. 

How long does it take for lips to heal? 

Generally Lip Blush Tattoo will heal within 5-7 days. Two permanent makeup applications done 8 weeks apart are required to achieve the desired results. While healing, the color may appear uneven dry and flaky. Do not pick, this dry skin will come off on its own. The color will fade up to 50% giving it the aquarelle, water-colour look. Be patient as this procedure does not yield immediate results.

Will I need to get my lips touched up years later? 

Any pigment applied to the dermal layer of the skin will eventually fade. Try to avoid creams or washes that contain acids or ingredients that lighten or exfoliate the skin. Keep your lips moisturized. â€‹Fortunately if and when a touch up is needed the fee is generally cheaper than the treatment fee.

We recommended a 1 year touch up to refresh your color. Each individual is different so longevity range will vary and depends on the person and look desired. This form of tattoo is cosmetic and not traditional body ink. 

How long will the Lip Blush Tattoo last? 

Gradual fading can be expected for all cosmetic micro-pigmentation procedures. This varies among people and is dependent on the specific shade used. Most last 2-5 years.

I have lip filler, can I still get Lip Blush Tattoo?

Yes you can! We would recommend getting your lip blush tattoo before you go for your lip fillers. The filler can sometimes change the natural symmetry of your lips and although we work very gentle it can potentially deflate the lip in areas. If you do come after your fillers, we recommend 4-6 weeks after. 

Will my lips look like they have liner on them? 

This technique involves creating a very soft and subtle outline of your lips with a lip color that best suits your skin coloring and desired look. This soft line is then blended and shaded when filling in your lips with the pigment. By doing this, we are avoiding the “lined lip” look, and therefore creating the illusion of fuller, natural looking lips.

What are the contraindications for Lip Blush Tattoo?
  • If you are pregnant or nursing you cannot receive this treatment

  • ​If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy

  • If you are on Accutane

  • You have Diabetes type 1 or 2. This is due to slow healing and infection, color may also not retain well

  • If you are a smoker the pigment may not retain properly, colors may distort

  • If you have a history of MRSA

  • You have psoriasis in the treatment area.

  • You have an auto-immune disease.

  • If you have thyroid/graves disease. This is because of the medication it may cause the pigment to not retain properly

  • Anemia, the pigment may not retain properly

  • If you have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring

  • If you are under a doctor’s care and have questions at ALL about being able to have this procedure, it is your responsibility to meet with your doctor and get written approval.

  • If your lips are naturally brown or dark in color it can be difficult to make lighter. Also, very sun damaged and hyperpigmented lips are not good candidates for lip procedures. If you have a history of fever blisters and herpes virus you must take a prescription antiviral prior.

  • If you are prone to cold sores, please see instructions below.

How do I prepare before getting Lip Blush done? 
  • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, vitamin E, niacin, or drink excessive alcohol at least 48 hours prior to and after your procedure

  • Do not take any prescription blood thinners at least 48 hours prior to and after your procedure

  • Discontinue any vitamin A skin care products (Retin-A, retinols) close to the treatment area at least two weeks prior to your procedure. **I recommend NOT using these products over or around the tattooed area after you receive your cosmetic tattoo. It could cause fading and distortion of color.**

  • Discontinue use of AHA (chemical exfoliation) skin care products close to the area to be tattooed at least one week prior to your procedure

  • No laser or electrolysis on or around the treatment area one week prior to your procedure

  • Botox or fillers need to be done at a minimum of 4 weeks prior to procedure

  • Plan trips or events a minimum of 14 days after the procedure

  • Limit the amount of caffeine you consume the morning of your appointment

  • Do not have any chemical peels, dermabrasions, mesotherapy, or any other intense treatments which will cause faster skin cell rejuvenating and cause skin irritation 3-4 weeks before procedure

  • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure

  • It is highly recommended that you avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it. Yes you can burn your lips! 

If you are prone to cold sores, lip tattooing CAN cause outbreaks, which can result in loss of pigment. We ask that our clients take their prescribed anti-viral medication starting 48 hours prior to their appointment and after the procedure to prevent outbreak. You can still have lip blushing done!!! We just want to ensure you get the best results possible. Consult with your doctor for any additional questions. If you have an outbreak, or any other type of scratch/acne we ask that you reschedule your appointment as soon as possible. If you show up with any type of outbreak your appointment will be rescheduled and subject to a rebooking fee.

Sometimes people who have never had an outbreak of a coldsore but carry the virus can get an outbreak from the "trauma" to your lips. If you are worried about this you can also take the supplement L-Lysine 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after your procedure. You can also consult with your Dr. about taking Valtrex. 

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